Saturday, September 13, 2008

Mark it down

"Make a mark on others. Start now. Break the loop of everyday activity by inserting some difference."

June 12-that will be the Philippine Independence. Surely a double pay :) May 01-that will be a double pay as well for its the labor day. What if I ask you what significant event happened on June 01? Or at the 5:00am on September 25, 2006? You may try searching the Net and you may find some useful info but those dates did not really made any significant mark on the calendar of history.

Barely, those dates are personal to me. First, being my date of birth and the latter being the day when I got an accident. 

Isn't it wonderful to know that even once in our life we'll be able to tell someone that we have a special date that we ourselves made in history? Might seem ambitious in nature, but hey this is possible! Making a mark in history will not necessarily mean making an act to be written on books. It is not necessary to die just to make a history be marked.

An act of random kindness will surely make history to a person that received it. It will not be announced on pages of newspapers or news on TV but I am a hundred percent sure that it curved the kindness on the recipient.

Everyday seems so repetitive. Work. School. Home. Launch out. Trips. Gigs. Its like a deja vu. A routine walk of life. Why not make a difference everyday? Make a mark on others. Start now. Break the loop of everyday activity by inserting some difference. Difference will make the same day new. New to you, me and others. History is waiting to be written by you.

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