Friday, August 17, 2007

Defeating the Ultimate Force

"As I head home, I can't help to smile and ask, "Did I really defeated Ultimate Force?". I guess there is nothing really impossible in this world as long as you put yourself into it. The Ultimate Force may try to hinder but in the end, it's all in the mind..."

Its Tuesday, and it only means one thing... Day Off! However, the sky looks gloomy. A sign of a wet day ahead.

I was awaken by a text message from mySungit. She asked if we could reschedule our meeting this afternoon should the rain continue pouring. I jokingly replied that the rain is scheduled till 2 PM only. So much for the forecast huh.

It was two in the afternoon and to my surprise, it is still raining. Oh well not really surprising. This is something that is not new to me. I just remembered, I was born with a twin. Me and the Ultimate Force. The power that stops me from doing things that would surely make me happy. With this situation, it clearly shows who's winning. Arrgg!

I texted mySungit to ask if we are pushing through with our plan meeting. Sadly, the rain shower hasn't stopped yet in their place. One more thing, I discovered that she's allergic to the rain. Not that she's having red patches in her skin with rain water, but because she easily get sick due to weak resistance.

Upon learning this, I knew where it is heading to. A cancelled meeting. A week of waiting. A cold gloomy day off. Thanks so much to Ultimate Force for intervening.

Isn't it frustrating to know that I can't do anything with this situation? Hmm, maybe not if I were given the power to manipulate the weather. But then again, I cannot sacrifice the health of mySungit. And also, what's the sense of seeing each other if you'll know in the end that she might get sick.

The day before, myMa was telling me if we'll go out to the mall on my off. (FYI, eating, window shopping and strolling on the mall is my simple bonding time with myMa). I said that I have something scheduled. Besides, mySis is on her first week of recovery and I know she would also like to come. If we can have it the coming week, then we can all come. So a perfect plan I have. This week for mySungit. Coming week we'll be for myMa and mySis.

Since the Ultimate Force won the battle this day, I decided to just watch a movie on my PC in order to divert my attention(frustration). As I am watching, I just realized and ask myself, "What the heck am I doing here?". I immediately turn off my PC and called mySungit.

This is just rain! Why am going to spoil my perfect plan and wait for another week if I can do this things today? Since the weather did not came along with our plan, I decided that I might as well bring the meeting in their place. So hurriedly I fix myself and way to go!

I dropped by the mall first to buy some candies for myPlaystation and blueberry cheesecake since we are supposed to have cheesecake. I arrived at their place around seven in the evening already.

We were not able to talk that much because of super-hyperactive myPlaystation. But at least I was able to tame this little rascal :) His shrill voice still lingers in my mind and on how he says my name, "aWel. Cute :D

Again and again, I would like to extend my gratitude to mySungit's mom for the advise and for offering me dinner. Very much appreciated. It just so happen that mySis requested that I bring her a present when I go home so I am not able to join them with their (delicous for sure) supper.

As I head home, I can't help to smile and ask, "Did I really defeated the Ultimate Force?". I guess there is nothing really impossible in this world as long as you put yourself into it. The Ultimate Force may try to hinder but in the end, it's all in the mind...

Reference of Ultimate Force!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.