Tuesday, February 5, 2008

When opportunity knocks*

"But there's one thing I take when I decide not to open the door that knocks... I take full responsibility."

How prepared are you to receive an unexpected gift or event in your life?

If you will be given a billion dollars, ask to resign to work and cruise the world, or perhaps an indecent proposal from a person (let's say you like as well) you never thought would ask you at an out of nowhere moment...how do you see yourself react?

I am pretty much sure your mind is wondering by now, but are you really prepared to receive such gift? I bet you're not.

Why I said so? Because we are used in seeing ourselves as not worthy of receiving such big blessings in our life. We tend to view ourselves as a little person who can only receive little blessings.

When opportunity knocks in our door, we often get hesitant to answer back. Sometimes we get too lax with our current situation that we tend to let a mystery gift pass us by. Well honestly, I myself is guilty of such hesitancy. Ignoring opportunities for the fear of failure. And what do I get for myself in the end? Failure as well. A friend of mine even once said that I am play safe... I guess the saying that truth hurts was enliven in this situation. Ouch!

Anyway, there's no one to blame if we get hesitant sometimes to take action in opening a door that we hardly know what's on the other side. But there's one thing I take when I decide not to open the door that knocks... I take full responsibility.

*I personally dedicate this blog to myRFighter for the encouraging words. Thanks so much!


Anonymous said...

"....or perhaps an indecent proposal from a person (let's say you like as well)..."

well? hhhmmmm i dunno bigla ako na-bother....


Anonymous said...

...indecent proposal from a person you like as well? i'm ready, i'm ready!! always! hahaha (talagang dun nag-focus eh, :p )

anyways, you are so right - very well said. but as for me, i always kick myself afterwards for not grabbing "the opportunity". the "nasa huli ang pagsisisi" part gets to me everytime, just like right now after reading ur blog entry, memories memories memories... tsktsk. hehe

jhowone said...

another nice post!
it's getting better! :D

Anonymous said...

....such sudden incidents you call as opportunity..

... kaya pala...

mrSilence said...

according to my observation, people reacts more when the topics speaks about human nature...like proposals and the like :)