Saturday, September 6, 2008


"But I affirming now that tomorrow will not be the same. I may not be known to the million but if it will take persons to the amount of the fingers in my hand whom I truly knows, then my mission of breaking inexistent is already fulfilled..."

Just this recent stage of my life am I able to feel that somehow I am able to touch people lives. Even through simple ways like small talks, advices on text or chat, or even my writing have I felt that I do fulfill a part of my mission.

I am not heaven sent to preach. I admit, I am never a good speaker. I am not a writer. I almost failed my English writing subject way back high school. I am not a psychologist. I can't elaborate Freud's theory.

I am just me. The person who experienced seclusion from the norm. I am just trying to flow with life. Live it simple. Smile with every encounter and walls. I am not a fighter, but I never was a quitter. I only do what I believe is just and true. To breathe each morning with a clear conscience and do the same before I close my eyes.

I am inexistent then. Maybe the same today. But I affirming now that tomorrow will not be the same. I may not be known to the million but if it will take persons to the amount of the fingers in my hand whom truly knows me, then my mission of breaking inexistent was already fulfilled...

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