Thursday, August 2, 2007

Crossroads P.2

7/17/2007: "I am not a coffee person. I drink coffee but not into drinking the gazillion varieties of it. Coffee to me is either black or white. With two sugar. No extras. No additions. No complications. Simple. "

After the nice exchanges of thoughts, we decided to walk. Ask her if we can check back at the bookstore, since I am planning of making some self-study about Photoshop. After a book by book scan on the shelf, no Photoshop book was found.

OK, now I am alone. Where have she went? Hmmm. Went on the other side of the aisle. No mySungit found. Take my chances again on the opposite corner, still no mySungit! Where's she?! Now my mind wonders. Sad thoughts. Sadder thoughts. Need to move my feet. For what? No time to think. I cannot just wait there. Must move! Move! Went at the far side of the store and there alas! mySungit browsing some inspirational book. Adrenaline level back to normal. Relieved.

Since I am not able to find the book I am looking for, we are out here. Next stop, my place...Cyberzone :) Got to admit, love gadgets. But that ends in looking those teeny weeny electronics behind their glass walls. I just buy the essential ones, those that I need. After an eyeful of the latest toys, we went to see what is showing in the cinema. Told her that Ratatouille is showing already. Checked on its show time, we're 50 minutes to wait. Oh well, since the day is too short to be wasted waiting for a movie, we went our way to get some privacy. I mean, some coffee.

I am not a coffee person. I drink coffee but not into drinking the gazillion varieties of it. Coffee to me is either black or white. With two sugar. No extras. No additions. No complications. Simple.

Coffee Overdose's the place. Warm atmosphere. Soft light. Smooth music. Heaven on earth. Forgot the name of the coffee she ordered, but what I remembered was something like a raspberry. She really knows her cup, I must say. I knew I couldn't go wrong to have the same as her.

Now our stories are more personal. Stories with our families and friends. Funny. Sad. Shocking. Informative. I am amazed once again since never have I divulge this much information into someone whom, to this day have I only talked personally. I am like a server being hacked where my firewall has been bypassed due to the trust in access. Yes, I trusted her the first time me met. Funny though, the first few times we texted each other, we gave our own definition about trusting. Reciprocated sides. But respect became the key. . .

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