Wednesday, November 21, 2007


"I personally define it as a state where I make a timeout. A time for assessing things. To simplify by removing the clutters that obstructs me from getting my planned goal."

Life per se is simple. But as we grow older, life complicates. It becomes complicated with different factors like our needs, wants, dreams, money, future, fears and the list goes on. So what do I do to overcome this? Go back the basic.

I personally define it as a state where I make a timeout. A time for assessing things. To simplify by removing the clutters that obstructs me from reaching my planned goal.

Easy said than done I must say. Why on my definition, simplifying reciprocates its own meaning? Be less to have more. Stopping in order to move on farther. Silence to utter a word.

Going back to the basic is just my way of awakening myself to get back on track. Nevertheless, whatever way you choose or make, what matter's the fact that you were able to realign oneself to reality. That is, life continues and its up to you if you would make a turn in its straight simple path...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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